OFS News Flash From Dragosavac: Ohio Community College Administrators Overpaid, Generally Incompetent, Occasionally Criminal

At the meeting of Ohio faculty senate last Friday, we heard the latest from each campus senator. I wanted to share the highlights with you, as I found them very entertaining.
  • Every senator reported increased enrollment at his or her institution. Many contributed the increase to the inverse effect the economy has on education. At our last board meeting, our President reported increased enrollment, but quipped, "...no one has a clue as to why."
  • Every senator but one reported a trend over the last five years showing increases in administrative positions disproportionate to increases in faculty positions. Sinclair's senator reported they own the title of “most VP’s”.

  • Most reports included unions and/or bargaining units battling administration for wages, while administrative costs have sky rocketed.

  • One senator, from Hocking, reported their CFO and President were under investigation by the FBI for fraud and fiscal improprieties.

  • Most report that they are fed up with CQUIN and other similar processes, because quality is not viewed important by their respective administrations. The OFS group consensus is that quality is a direct function of a high full-time to adjunct ratio. We have recommended this be studied and proposed to OBOR as some type of measurement tied to funding.

  • Two senators reported their Presidents were asked to retire, and they currently are operating without that position. It was suggested by someone that all community colleges in Ohio could share one good President!

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