The Empire Snipes Back

Wherein A Confused And Erratic Administration Lashes Out In Horror And Pain Like a Cornered, Wounded Beast

Showing further disregard for the Edison Community, KY today removed Larry Dragosavac, ESEA President, and Brad Reed, President of Academic Senate, from the President's Cabinet. Though KY claimed he intended to replace them with two other faculty members--presumably uncovered by the CBA, or some not yet alienated, assuming any exist--the move is a bald attempt to intimidate the faculty and silence KY's many, many critics. The Illuminator's administration sources tell us, "the email was from yowell and began, 'I'm sure you will not be surprised...."

We're not. Amused, but not surprised.

And now for Mother Nature's nearest equivalent to KY's current hissy-fit:

Tick tock.

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